Controlling Your Allergies

alergyAllergies occur when the body is tricked into thinking that harmless particles are dangerous invaders.The immune system tries to get rid of these allergens by sneezing, flushing them out with tears or mucus, or removing them with nose rubbing. It strives to stop them from entering into the lungs by constricting the airways. These are all normal reactions to toxins and viruses. Allergies cannot be completely prevented.Only the known symptoms can be avoided by avoiding known allergens. An important thing to be done is to find the allergy triggers. All the details surrounding the allergy flare-ups should be noted.

It is better to write down the place where the allergy occurs, the time when it occurs, and lastly, the season of the year. This has to be reported to the doctor, explaining exactly how the symptoms feel. If the substances or environmental factors responsible for the allergy are not identified, treating allergies proves to be a difficult task.
These contributing factors must be eliminated from the immediate environment, as early as possible. Irritation, inflammation, and blockages in the body must be lessened, that is, with antihistamines, nasal sprays, decongestants, corticosteroids, other medications, and other modes of treatment.
Pollen, dust, dust mites, mold, mildew, and pet dander are the most common allergens according to recent studies. While most of the people suffering from allergies take allergy medications, few of those still have stuffed-up noses, sinus pressure, fatigue, sneezing, or watery eyes, and nearly still quite a few have postnasal drip. The known allergens can be avoided in a number of ways.
A change should be brought about in the environment. Shower should be taken before bedtime to wash off pollen and other allergens in the hair and skin. Going outside should be avoided, especially on dry and windy days. Doors and windows should be kept shut. A physician should be asked how to minimize exposure to substances that prompt the allergic reactions. Dust mites also have to be removed from the house. To do this, drapes, feather pillows, upholstered furniture, non-washable comforters and stuffed toys should all be removed.

Carpets should be replaced with linoleum or wood. Polished floors are the best. The floor should be frequently wiped with a damp cloth or a damp mop. Vacuum cleaner should be used regularly with an extra-efficient electrostatic filter. Carpets and upholstery should be cleaned with special cleaners, such as benzyl benzoate or tannic acid spray. All bedding should be washed in hot water. Mattress pads should not be used. Mattresses and pillows should be covered with plastic covers. Keeping pets out of certain rooms, covering the mattresses, or running the air-conditioner to filter out the pollens are some commonly used and helpful allergy counter measures.
The amount of mould in the house can be reduced by removing houseplants and by cleaning more often the shower curtains, bathroom windows, damp walls, and areas with dry rot and indoor trash cans. A mixture of water and chlorine bleach can be used to kill mold. Mold-proof paint can be used instead of wallpaper. Reducing the humidity in the house by a dehumidifier to fifty percent or less can also be useful. If the allergy is severe, pets might be needed to kept away or at least kept outside.

Cat or dog dander mostly collects in the house dust and takes four weeks or more to die away, therefore, a short-term trial of keeping away the pet from the house might not be that helpful. The doctor should also be asked about corticosteroid sprays. Low dose prescription corticosteroid nasal sprays can be at times extremely effective and useful in relieving and alleviating congestion with minimal side effects.

In some cases, the patient suffering from allergy may undergo desensitization, commonly known as immunotherapy, a process in which he or she is given injections of the allergen in increasing doses to familiarize his or her body to the offending material. This is usually done in cases where the allergen cannot be kept away.

Allergies can be fought with more easily if latest modes of treatment are used. A physician is the best person to give information to the patients. He should give them the state of the art treatment guidelines and suggestions about allergy, asthma and immunology.

Being persistent in treating and fighting with the allergy is an important factor which can help a great deal in getting rid of it. If symptoms do not improve, a doctor should be again contacted without any hesitation. The best thing is to go to an allergist for treatment.

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